On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 7:38 AM, Alan E. wrote:
> I am using a snapshot of Emacs (23.0.60.*) on Ubuntu.  I believe this is a
> CVS snapshot, but it isn't up to date with org mode.  I'm not sure it's
> useful for me to be on the bleeding edge, but if it is, what would be the
> best way to install the up-to-date package over the top of a package
> install?  I find the package install is helpful, over compiling CVS, because
> it enables all the little nits with the OS.  I thought of deleting the files
> in the emacs tree?  Then installing the additional lines to .emacs.el?
>  I  wasn't able to find an answer to this.

  I do not know whether it would be useful for you to be on the bleeding
edge.  But, I believe, historically org-mode releases with almost
regular frequency and hence I think the latest features soon move from
development branch to release branch.  Carsten has mentioned that the
massive restructuring of org-mode (splitting out components in various
files) has slowed down the releases (not development though).

  As far as getting latest org-mode, here's what I did.

  Under ~/elisp/, unzip the org-mode release with directory name like
org-5.23a or org-5.19 etc. then add the paths "~/elisp/<org-dir-name>" to
my .emacs and setup org-mode specifics in .emacs.  And you are ready
to go.  To get the bleeding edge org-mode, clone the git repo under
~/elisp/org-mode (do not forget to run make) and add the path in

  This allows for an easy switch between different versions should you
need to and keeps them all separate but available.

-- Manish

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