Is there a way to set tags globally for a file, so that all entries in
the file inherit that tag? I was looking for something similar to what
(I think) #+PROPERTY: does, but for tags, but could not find it.

Or perhaps I do not need it and there is another way to do what I am
trying to do: 

- In our group we are using org *collaboratively* and have files that
   that are shared (using svn or git) and have tasks assigned to
   different people and files which belong to just one person
   (personal task files).

- We use tags to assign tasks to people (perhaps there is a better
  way? But see below.).

- When then use a filter function based on tags and inheritance to
  build the agenda for a particular person. 

- The shared files look like this, which is OK:

* Task to be done by Frank   :Manuel:
* Task to be done by Martha  :Martha:
** This task will also be done by Martha (tag is inherited)

- But, when a file belongs to only one person it is a bit of a pain to
  have to put the tag in each first level header:

* This is one of my tasks :Manuel:
** This  one of my sub tasks (tag is inherited)
* This another one of my tasks :Manuel:

  I can always of course move everything one level down:

* All Manuel's tasks: :Manuel:
** This is one of my tasks (tag is inherited)
*** This  one of my sub tasks (tag is inherited)
** This another one of my tasks (tag is inherited)

  but is not as nice (e.g., to look at or for exporting) as this would

#+TAG: Manuel
* This is one of my tasks (tag is inherited)
** This  one of my sub tasks (tag is inherited)
* This another one of my tasks (tag is inherited)

Thanks in advance for your help.


 Manuel Hermenegildo                     |              Prof., C.S. Department
 Director, IMDEA-Software and CLIP Group |                T.U. of Madrid (UPM)            | +34-91-336-7435 (W) -352-4819 (Fax)

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