Thanks Nick,

 Nick> Step 1 (and Daniel, in the mail above) talks about the "remember"
 Nick> script, while the script itself and Step 3 talk about the
 Nick> "org-annotation-helper" script.

I agree. The nomenclature is not the best.

 Nick> Here is an attempt at clarification: it's mostly minor edits but there
 Nick> are enough of them that I thought I'd send out the whole thing rather
 Nick> than a patch. It is still very much oriented towards Linux.

it works also under OS X.

 Nick> However, I have problems with how the remember template works, so the
 Nick> description below is fuzzy, perhaps incomplete, perhaps wrong.

Perhaps the solution is to split the command line script and the elisp into
different files. And provide a shortcut create to the boorkmarklet via a
web page.

 Nick> With this caveat, Richard, can you try these steps out and see if they
 Nick> work/make sense? If this is deemed OK, then maybe it can replace the
 Nick> comment section in org-annotation-helper.el, after the requisite 
 Nick> corrections/deletions are made.

 Nick> Regards,
 Nick> Nick

 Nick> [Debugging notes - skip ahead if not interested]

 Nick> Assuming I have defined a remember template like this:

           (?w "* %u %c \n\n%i" "~/lib/org/" "Web links")

 Nick> when bzg/org-annotation-helper calls org-remember with argument ?w, I
 Nick> expect this template to pop up in a *Remember* buffer. Instead, I get
 Nick> asked which template I want to use (I have three more templates in
 Nick> org-remember-templates). When I say "w" and force the choice, the
 Nick> contents of the buffer are not what I expect: I get the time stamp from
 Nick> %u, and the link from %c, but *not* the selection from %i. I uncommented
 Nick> the echo in the script and the browser is passing the selection to the
 Nick> script correctly. I also single-stepped through
 Nick> bzg/org-annotation-helper, which sets the :region property of the link
 Nick> to the selection like so:

 Nick>  (org-store-link-props :type type
 Nick>                        :link url
 Nick>                        :region region
 Nick>                        :description title)

 Nick> but somehow that seems to get dropped on the floor afterwards. Maybe a
 Nick> bug in org-remember? I 'm under the (possibly erroneous?) impression
 Nick> that we should be going through the if-true path of the following code
 Nick> in org-remember (as shown by the arrow):

    ;; `org-select-remember-template'
    (setq org-select-template-temp-major-mode major-mode)
    (setq org-select-template-original-buffer (current-buffer))
    (if (eq org-finish-function 'org-remember-finalize)
 Nick> ?--->    (progn
 Nick>    (when (< (length org-remember-templates) 2)
 Nick>      (error "No other template available"))
 Nick>    (erase-buffer)
 Nick>    (let ((annotation (plist-get org-store-link-plist :annotation))
 Nick>          (initial (plist-get org-store-link-plist :initial)))
 Nick>      (org-remember-apply-template))
 Nick>    (message "Press C-c C-c to remember data"))
      (if (org-region-active-p)
 Nick>    (org-do-remember (buffer-substring (point) (mark)))
 Nick>  (org-do-remember))))))

 Nick> but org-finish-function is nil in this case, so we fall through to the
 Nick> org-do-remember at the end.

 Nick> [end of debugging notes]

 Nick> ;; We want to be able to pass a URL and document title directly from a
 Nick> ;; web browser to Emacs.
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;; We define a remember:// url handler in the browser and use a shell
 Nick> ;; script to handle the protocol.  This script passes the information
 Nick> ;; to a running Emacs process (using emacsclient/gnuclient).  We use 
 Nick> ;; bookmarklets to create the remember:// urls dynamically.
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;; The protocol types currently recognized are:
 Nick> ;; 
 Nick> ;; remember://     start `remember' with the url and title filled in
 Nick> ;; annotation://   similar to `planner-annotation-as-kill' (org?)
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;; The urls used internally will have the following form:
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;;   remember://<the web page url>::remember::<the 
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;; The annotation:// url is similar but there is no <selection> 
 Nick> ;; with it.
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;; The web page url and the  title will be url-hex-encoded. 
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;; The bookmarklets:
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Nick> ;; javascript:location.href='remember://' + location.href + \ 
 Nick> ;;   '::remember::' + escape(document.title) + '::remember::' + 
 Nick> ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Nick> ;; javascript:location.href='annotation://' + location.href + 
'::remember::' +\
 Nick> ;;     escape(document.title) ;; 
 Nick> ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;; The handler:
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Nick> ;; #!/bin/sh
 Nick> ;; # org-annotation-helper -- pass a remember-url to emacs
 Nick> ;; #
 Nick> ;; # Author: Geert Kloosterman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Nick> ;; # Date: Sat Nov 19 22:33:18 2005
 Nick> ;; 
 Nick> ;; if [ -z "$1" ]; then
 Nick> ;;     echo "$0: Error: no arguments given!" 1>&2
 Nick> ;;     exit 1
 Nick> ;; fi
 Nick> ;; 
 Nick> ;; # To test uncomment following line
 Nick> ;; #echo $1 >> /tmp/remember.out
 Nick> ;; 
 Nick> ;; emacsclient --eval "(progn (bzg/org-annotation-helper \"$1\" ) nil)"
 Nick> ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Nick> ;; 
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;; To install:
 Nick> ;; 
 Nick> ;; Step 0: Install this module.
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;;  * Install this file and require it in your .emacs (or wherever you
 Nick> ;;    want to do it)
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;;    (require 'org-annotation-helper)
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;; Step 1: Install the org-annotation-helper shell script.
 Nick> ;; 
 Nick> ;;  * Save the handler as a script, and make sure it is executable. In
 Nick> ;;    the following, we assume that it has been saved under the name
 Nick> ;;    "org-annotation-helper" in some directory in your $PATH.
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;;  * Try it: Make sure emacs is running and you have started its server
 Nick> ;;    mode (server-start).  Run this command from the command line:
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;;       org-annotation-helper 
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;;    Emacs should now show a remember window. If you have set up a
 Nick> ;;    remember template for this case, e.g. a template similar to the
 Nick> ;;    one in Step 4 below, the remember window will show a link to the
 Nick> ;; site with the name "Org-Mode Homepage", with "Notes"
 Nick> ;;    added as initial content (XXX - this doesn't work?). Otherwise,
 Nick> ;;    you can insert the link with org-insert-link (commonly bound to
 Nick> ;;    C-c C-l).
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;; Step 2: add two bookmarklets to the browser.
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;; For Firefox:
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;;  * Right click on the bookmarks area of Firefox. 
 Nick> ;;  * Select "New Bookmark".
 Nick> ;;  * In the Location field, fill the javascript code above (the 
 Nick> ;;  * Make sure "Load this bookmark in the sidebar" is deselected.
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;;  Try it. You should have now a url that starts with "remember://"
 Nick> ;;  and your browser will not know what do to with it.
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;; Step 3: Add the handler for the "remember://" URI.
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;; For Firefox:
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;; To add a protocol handler (eg: remember://) in Firefox, take the
 Nick> ;; following steps:
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;;  * Type in "about:config" in the location bar.
 Nick> ;;  * Right click and from the drop-down menu, select New --> String.
 Nick> ;;  * The Preference Name should be 
 Nick> ;;  * The Value should be the name of the executable shell script (see
 Nick> ;;    Step 1 above, where we called it "org-annotation-helper"). At
 Nick> ;;    least under Linux, this does not need to be the full path to the
 Nick> ;;    executable.
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;; See for more details.
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;; For Opera:
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;; Add the protocol in the Preferences->Advanced->Programs
 Nick> ;; dialog.
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;; 
 Nick> ;; Step 4: Configure a template.
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;; I personally  use the following template for this mode
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;;      (?w "* %u %c \n\n%i" "~/working/trunk/org/" "Web 
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;; %c will be replaced with the hyperlink to the page, displaying the
 Nick> ;;     title of the page.
 Nick> ;; %i will be replaced with the selected text from the browser.
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;; By default the new remember notes are placed in the
 Nick> ;; file under the "Web links" section, but it can be easily overriden
 Nick> ;; with C-u C-c C-c.
 Nick> ;;
 Nick> ;; Step 5:
 Nick> ;;    Enjoy!

Daniel M. German         
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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