On Jun 22, 2008, at 5:27 PM, Manish wrote:

Nick>>> I have a minimal setup that works fine for me. Here is the relevant
 Nick>>> section from my org initialization file, which gets loaded
from .emacs:
 Nick>>> ;;; org-publish
 Nick>>> (setq org-publish-project-alist
 Nick>>>    '(("status"
 Nick>>>       :base-directory "~/lib/status/weekly"
Nick>>> :publishing-directory "/ssh:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/ public_html/logs"
 Nick>>>       :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-html
 Nick>>>       :headline-levels 3
 Nick>>>       :section-numbers nil
 Nick>>>       :table-of-contents nil
 Nick>>> ;         :style nil
 Nick>>>       :auto-preamble t
 Nick>>>       :auto-postamble nil
 Nick>>>       )))
 Nick>>> (require 'org-publish)

Manish>> I have similar settings but I still do not get any output. Any
 Manish>> ideas what I can check or what other debug information can I
 Manish>> provide?
 Manish>> Any thoughts appreciated.

 Carsten> Have you tried
 Carsten> (setq org-publish-use-timestamps-flag nil)
 Carsten> ?  Maybe you have not changed the input files for a while,
and Org thinks
 Carsten> they have already been published......

Works perfectly now!

What is curious is that it did not work earlier even when the
files were modified and saved.  But now it works not just after
setting this to nil (publish irrespective of modified time) but
publishes correctly with t after the files are modified as it
should (it did not work earlier, I swear.)

I guess this means that the tree with the timestamps directory ~/.org- timestamps
was somehow bad, did contain wrong times or was corrupt in another way.

- Carsten

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