In that sense, the customization
data is more closely linked to the actual org-files than than the
specific instance of Emacs on a particular system, and therefore it
would be logical to have it in a separate file.

So why not use one?

The problem is to sync your customizations from host to host. As for me,
the handish setup is something to be avoided - it makes emacs a mystery
for new users - so do lot's of strange configuration files (I wish
~/etc/ would be part of the FSHS :))

This is what I do:

I'm contentedly using .emacs :)

So I just can use 'M-x customize' to customize org-mode and that's it.
Is there anything more convenient than customize?

So. How to use emacs on different machines?

My .emacs is under monotone and thus the same on all my systems
(monotone is very handy for repos on USB-sticks or SSH. Hardly any
setup at all... monotone keeps the file's masks, even if the USB-Stick
is FAT formated - it's great!). I always carry my USB-Stick with me.

My .emacs is actually linked in my ~/emacs/ (as ~/emacs/.emacs) which is
under monotone. So are .bbdb and .gnus.el... (I have my gnus-mails under
monotone too).

I use custom files just for my own stuff that cannot be
adjusted using 'customize'. I therefor have this in my .emacs:

(setq sr-lisp-directory "/home/sebastian/emacs/lisp/")
(setq load-path (cons sr-lisp-directory load-path))
(setq load-path (cons (concat sr-lisp-directory "ext/org-mode/lisp/") load-path))

The last one is the local clone of org's git repo. I just call 'make' in
there and that's it (It's in the load path BEFORE the org that comes
with emacs).

(require 'sr-globals)
;; end of .emacs

loads my central custom file, which in turn loads several files like
sr-org-mode.el where I set up todo sequences and stuff. You also could

(load /path/to/my/org-init.el)
;; end of .emacs

Just leave the section

  ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.

alone and that's it.

You might want to put this here into you're .bash_logout (if you use

cd ~/emacs/gnus
mtn add --unknown . # Add new mails
mtn commit -m""     # commit all changes, indluding customize.
                    # Remember the link to ~/.emacs
mtn sync            # sync to USB-Stick. Never forget to sync.
cd -

Simple :)

John Rakestraw schrieb:
--I had a basic .emacs file that began by loading the .emacs config
stuff common to both linux and windows.

--.emacs then tested for the system name of the machine I was on (I
think it was the variable "system-name").

It is. I do this to get around different screen resolutions at the
very top of my .emacs (that I use on three machines):

(if (string-match "orgon" (system-name))
      (set-default-font "DejaVu Sans Mono-13") ;; 14' @ 1024x768
      (setq line-spacing 1)
      (setq default-frame-alist ....)))
  (if (string-match "kassiopeia" (system-name)) ;; 19' @ ??
        (set-default-font "DejaVu Sans Mono-11")
        (setq line-spacing 3)
        (setq default-frame-alist .....)))
    ;; else beteigeuze - 15' @ 1400x1050
      (set-default-font "DejaVu Sans Mono-13.5")
      (setq default-frame-alist ...))))

This is the only difference between the 3 machines and their

Have fun,

fn:Sebastian Rose
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;cell:+49 173 / 83 93 417
note;quoted-printable:Entwicklung  von Internetanwendungen und Programmen  mit  freien  Werkzeu=
	gen  und Bibliotheken.=0D=0A=
	PHP, Java, C/C++,  Bash,  Perl,  Apache, MySQL,  PostgreSQL, xt::commerce=
	, Typo3, Server,  Netzwerk,  Desktop, Datenbank, gtkmm=0D=0A=

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