On Jul 22, 2008, at 10:49 AM, Jan Seeger wrote:


I almost went crazy today trying to export my block agenda. I had my
agenda set up like this:

          (setq org-agenda-custom-commands '(
                                                                   ("c" ""
"NEXT|TODO") (agenda))
((org-agenda-with-colors nil)
(ps-font-size '(8 . 8))
(org-agenda-compact-blocks t)
(ps-landscape-mode t)
(ps-number-of-columns 2)
, which seemed correct (show todos and an agenda together and export
it to the /tmp/todo-list.ps file. However, orgmode refused to export
the agenda. Looking at org-agenda.el, I edebugged
org-batch-store-agenda-views, and saw that in line 1774, block agendas
are (seemingly) not parsed correctly. With the syntax from the
documentation and! customize-variable, file and settings are the third
and fourth elements respectively.

So I inserted a nil between the commands and the settings, and my
block agenda miraculously exported.

Is the above setting wrong

The setting is wrong. Parameters in org-agenda-custom-commands are identified by position, and your file list is seen as an attempt to set options (variables)
for the command set.  You need nil there.

Can you identify a point in the documentation that made you assume you could write things a you did?


- Carsten

or is that a bug in org-mode? (I'm using
6.04c with emacs 22.2-r2).

Jan Seeger

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