> Is it possible to tailor the agenda view so that when it displays the
 > TODO items it shows those todo items with their *inherited* tags?
 > My display seems to show only the tags directly applied to the items.
 > This isn't so great for me, since I put my TODO items in multiple files,
 > one for each project, and put at the * Tasks level in those files a tag
 > corresponding to the project.  I'd really like to see those tags in the
 > agenda view, so I know what project the TODOs belong to.

A couple of hints here (assuming like you say that you use a file for
each project):

- You can use #+FILETAGS: to set a file-global tag that will be
  inherited by the whole file, so that you do not need to put it in
  each * task level. 

- An alternative to using tags is to use #+CATEGORY: (or simply the
  name of the file) to set the overall category to the project name
  and it will appear to the left of all agenda entries.

Having said this, being able to show all inherited tags would indeed
be nice. 

Also, related to the recent questions of relatively slow speed when
building agendas that include entries based on inheritance, perhaps
precomputing and caching the inheritance relation might be of help. If
someone has time to look into this it would be really great.

Cheers --Manuel

 Manuel Hermenegildo                     |              Prof., C.S. Department
 Director, IMDEA-Software and CLIP Group |                T.U. of Madrid (UPM)
 http://www.cliplab.org/herme            | +34-91-336-7435 (W) -352-4819 (Fax)

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