I think this feature is available, but I can't seem to find it in the
manual. I'd like to write a note similar to a closing note:
CLOSED: [2008-08-19 Tue 09:07]
- CLOSING NOTE [2008-08-19 Tue 09:07] \\
Done and done
But I'd like it to be unrelated to a changing of the todo state.
Something like:
- NOTE [2008-08-19 Tue 09:07] \\
Still waiting on Jim for the files...
I'd use it both from the agenda view and the plain org file. Could this
be done with remember? Have an interactive heading and file, which
defaults to a sub tree of the current location. This would make the
remember note an actual heading though and not a bullet or dash.
Any thoughts, hints or advice?
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