I mostly have the same application of using org tables.
I have (many) columns with numbers and want to see the sum in the last row.

See this little example:

       | items | amount |
       | a     |    0.5 |
       | b     |    0.0 |
       | c     |    0.5 |
       | sum   |     1. |
#+TBLFM:    @5$2=vsum(@2..4)

Having the cursor on the row with "c"
and pressing <M-S-DOWN> I get this:

       | items | amount |
       | a     |    0.5 |
       | b     |    0.0 |
       |       |        |
       | c     |    0.5 |
       | sum   |     1. |
#+TBLFM:    @6$2=vsum(@[EMAIL PROTECTED])

everything is adjusted correctly!

Now I want to add a row after "c". Being on the row below "c"
when I press <M-S-DOWN> I get this:

       | items | amount |
       | a     |    0.5 |
       | b     |    0.0 |
       | c     |    0.5 |
       |       |        |
       | sum   |     1. |
#+TBLFM:    @6$2=vsum(@[EMAIL PROTECTED])

which is not what I want. I want "@5" as in the case before.
Is this a bug or a feature? How can I get what I need?



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