I like that alot!  I might second the suggestion to provide an option
to copy files.  In fact, depending on the filesystem (same filesystem
or not, on a GNU/Linux system), a hard link would be fantastic!

Thank you for this.

Alan Davis

> Let me take a stab at it.
> 1. Create a test file. test.org
> 2. Add a task to it.
> 3. Do `C-c C-a' while on the task.
> 4. Press `a' from the launcher menu to add an attachment.
> 5. Select a file to be attached to it (somewhere in a subdirectory
>   named data where org files are contained (careful, it will /move/
>   the file, not copy it.)
> 6. Attach another file to it using #3-5 (or use `c'.)
> 7. Press `C-c C-a' followed by `o' to open an attachment from the
>   options.

I like that alot!

> I am sure there's more to it but this was enough for me to be
> convinced of it's utility.  I just wish that:
> 1. it copied attachemnts instead of moving them (may be an option),

 I might second the suggestion/request  to provide an option to copy
files.  In fact, depending on the filesystem (same filesystem or not,
on a GNU/Linux system), a hard link would be fantastic!  I have a
somewhat convoluted bunch of directories, and it took me some time to
find a way to hardlink a file that I'd moved into the ~/org/data
directory, back to it's source directory.

Thank you for this.

Alan Davis

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