One comment. I've been using LaTeX for about 15 years, Emacs for about 2 years and Org-Mode for about 8 months. My LaTeX files are heavily customized and I'm used to working with them without org-mode. My few, and not very serious, attempts to move my LaTeX work to org-mode have not given satisfactory results, so I've put off changing my work flow until I have more time to figure out the LaTeX export features of org-mode. But, I am using org-mode extensively for my other work related tasks. I have org files that keep track of my students' grades and my web site is built from a single org file. As you pointed out in your talk, org-mode allows one to work!

There was a post on this list from Russel Adams, that shows how to use
custom LaTeX headers. My setup is derived from that post, and enables
the usage of a commen LaTeX-header for Org export and the rest of my
LaTeX files:


(setq org-export-latex-classes (cons '("myarticle"
     "% BEGIN My Article Defaults

     ("\\rzchapteridx{%s}" . "\\rzchapteridx{%s}")
     ("\\rzsection{%s}{}" . "\\rzsection{%s}")
     ("\\rzsubsection{%s}" . "\\rzsubsection{%s}")
     ("\\rzsubsubsection{%s}" . "\\rzsubsubsection{%s}"))

As you can see here, I include the common header file, and customize
the classes used for headlines on export. Since now the creation of
PDFs is now possible directly from Org-mode (C-c C-e p), this is the
easiest way to do it.


#+LaTeX_CLASS: myarticle



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