I think emacs uses ~/.mailcap. At least you may use that file to
overwrite global mime values.

See http://gnus.org/manual/emacs-mime_30.html

I only use .mailcap for GNUS - don't know if it works elsewhere in
emacs. But it's worth a try.

Hope that helps,


lfod wrote:
Non-office2007 doc/xls/ppt "attached" files correctly launch openoffice when I
request to open them.  But the Office2007 docx,xlsx,pptx do not launch
openoffice. I've modified /etc/mime.types but no joy.
My version of openoffice does support the format, and other applications
automatically associate the docx/xlsx documents with openoffice.

Where does emacs get is mime data from??

thanks in advance...and thanks to org developers this is the tools I've been
looking for.

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