
First of all, thanks to all for the work on org-mode and org-plot.

A question about org-plot...

Question 1:
When I include an index column in the first column of the table,  I am
getting evenly spaced data points, with the xtic labels being coming from
the 'ind:' column (2, in the first data set here).

The behavior I expected was to use the second column (Frequency) as the
independent variable, and to get a plot with 3 groups of 3 points, near
frequencies of 1, 10, and 20. as I get with the 'Data Set B' group.

Is this expected and correct?

I know that this will also include the first column in the plot, which leads
to my next question.

Question 2:
When I try to use the deps option, I either get an error or an undesired
result.  For example, if I include a "deps:3,4", I get a "Wrong type
argument" error.  If I enclose the 3,4 in single quotes (eg. deps:'3,4'), I
get only the third column plotted, and not both third and fourth as I
expected.  What am I doing wrong?
A comment - enclosing the argument for deps in single quotes, if that is the
intention, seems inconsistent with the arguments for other options of that
type (ind, for example).

Question 3:
Is there a way to produce 2 different plots from the same table data?

Thanks again for the help.

** Data Set A
#+PLOT: ind:2
| Index | Frequency |  Amplitude | Phase | Delta | Peak |
|     1 |       0.9 |          9 |     6 |     5 |  198 |
|     2 |       1.0 |         10 |     9 |     7 |  212 |
|     3 |       1.1 |         11 |     8 |     3 |  144 |
|     4 |       9.9 |         19 |    12 |     9 |  235 |
|     5 |      10.0 |         18 |     7 |    12 |  222 |
|     6 |      10.1 |         22 |    14 |     4 |  187 |
|     7 |      19.9 |         14 |    11 |     6 |  220 |
|     8 |      20.0 |         20 |    15 |    14 |  213 |
|     9 |      20.1 |         18 |    16 |    11 |  201 |

** Data Set B
#+PLOT: ind:1
| Frequency | Amplitude | Phase | Delta | Peak |
|       0.9 |         9 |     6 |     5 |  198 |
|       1.0 |        10 |     9 |     7 |  212 |
|       1.1 |        11 |     8 |     3 |  144 |
|       9.9 |        19 |    12 |     9 |  235 |
|      10.0 |        18 |     7 |    12 |  222 |
|      10.1 |        22 |    14 |     4 |  187 |
|      19.9 |        14 |    11 |     6 |  220 |
|      20.0 |        20 |    15 |    14 |  213 |
|      20.1 |        18 |    16 |    11 |  201 |
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