Hi Chris,

I'll 'CC the org-mode mailing list and see if anyone has any ideas as to
your question.

 non-elisp (preferably Ruby, maybe CommonLisp) tools for exporting
 org-mode files to html.

I don't believe such a thing currently exists.

Along the lines of an independent org-mode to html converter (either in
ruby on in common lisp: common lisp may be able to steal chunks of code
from org-exp.el) it may not be too difficult to get 80% of the exporter
utility with only 20% of the full org-exporter functionality.

The Features that jump out to me include:

resolving [[html://foo.bar][link name]] style links

wrapping tables in <pre></pre> blocks

converting outline headers to html headlines

 - one
 - two
 - three


 1. point
 2. another point
 3. and another point

lists to <ul>, <ol> lists respectively.

should get most of the way there (at least a usable base, which could be
expanded as needed).

Thanks for looking into this -- Eric

Lighthouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> // Add your reply above here
> ==================================================
> defunkt updated this ticket at October 23, 2008 01:08
> Hey Eric,
> As an Emacs user I would love to add this feature. Do you know of any
> simpler way to generate HTML from org-mode though? We don't currently
> have emacs installed on all our servers and it would be quite a
> dependency for a single feature.
> If not, I might look at writing a generator in Ruby or something as
> part of my open source Friday.
> - Chris
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> State: open
> View this ticket online: 
> http://logicalawesome.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8570/tickets/1050-format-org-mode-readmes-for-display.
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