Hi Bill,

to add links to autgoing mails automatically, adding a link to such a
mail once should be enough, to add the right funciton to your
'mail-send-hook' (?? don't no which hook really...) since it's just a
question of the link format.

If no one has done this until now, please share it here. I use gnus,
but I still BCC myself to 'store' my outgoing mail :-)
As for me, I'd prefer a way to keep my outgoing mails directly in

Something like this should work:

(setq org-remember-templates
      '(("sent-mails" ?m "* Mail sent %u\n %a\n" "organizer.org" "Sent")))

(defun my-store-link()
  "Docs for my-store-link"
  (org-remember ?m)) ;; the `m' is the short cut for the template.

(add-hook 'your-hook-here 'my-store-link)

I don't know how to suppress the interactive part of it (C-c C-c to
store it away), but sometimes you might add a short note anyway.



Sebastian Rose wrote:
Hi Bill,

links are one of the great features of Org-mode. Basically, links are
added in two ways:

a) Remember templates (automatic):
   You're reading an email in Gnus or another emacs mail reader, and
   want to add a note somewhere. To do this, you set up (once) a
   so called 'remember template'. See
   http://orgmode.org/manual/Remember.html#Remember how to do this.
   Org automatically adds a link to the mail/file/whatever, which
   brings you back to that mail/file/whatever, as you click on it.

b) Semi-automatic:
   You want to add a link to an email/file/whatever to existing notes.
   To do this, visit the email/file/whatever and press 'C-c l'
   (org-store-link) to store a link to that location for later use.
   Back in your Org-file, you press 'C-c C-l' (org-insert-link),
   which provides you with a list of all stored links during your
   emacs session. You select the last one by pressing 'UP' once, and
   you're done.
   See http://orgmode.org/manual/Handling-links.html#Handling-links

c) By hand:
   Also, you may add links to locations by hand. The syntax for links
   is described here:

Best regards,


Bill White wrote:
Hi all -

I'm looking into porting my planner/muse/gnus infrastructure to org.
One indispensible bit of code in my current system writes a gnus message
link in the current day's planner file every time I send a message from
gnus.  It uses Sacha Chua's sacha/planner-gnus-track-sent method here:


Has someone already written something like this for org?  Perhaps a
remember-like mechanism that writes a link to, say, Email.org?  Perhaps
messages could be filed under date headlines:

* Sunday, October 26, 2008
** message 1 recipient:subject
[link] (or contents?)
** message 2 recipient:subject
[link] (or contents?)

or somesuch.

Thanks for any thoughts about this -


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