I am trying to use easypg with org-mode.

In emacs 23 its included and I just have:

(require 'epa)

although I thinks its default is on anyway.

Create a "private.gpg" with these as the first lines and save it in your
org files directory.

| -*- mode: org -*- -*- epa-file-encrypt-to: ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]") -*-
| #+AUTHOR:    name
| #+DATE:      <2008-03-23 Sun>
| #+LANGUAGE:  en
| * Private

replace name and domain as appropriate.

Here is a template to add for it:

              ("private"    ?p "* %^{Title|%i} %^G\n  :PROPERTIES: \n  
:Entered: %U\n  :Link: %a\n  :END: \n%x%?" "private.gpg" "Private")

Now create a new private item and commit it.

One is prompted three times for the passphrase

Anyone else using it with org and if so have you managed to cache?

opening an "x.gpg" without the local mode prompts only once when you
open it and uses the cache when saving it so no password reprompt.

I dont know if this multi-pass prompt is emacs or org-mode so post here
for completeness. It seems to be org-mode forcing it.

easypg with org-mode makes a really powerful, secure note taking

 important and urgent problems of the technology of today are no longer the 
satisfactions of the primary needs or of archetypal wishes, but the reparation 
of the evils and damages by the technology of yesterday.  ~Dennis Gabor, 
Innovations:  Scientific, Technological and Social, 1970

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