On 2015-09-02 19:40, John Kitchin wrote:
> Cool! Thanks for the shout out to org-ref!
> my jmax starter package (http://github.com/jkitchin/jmax) is basically
> designed for the last point you described. I use it with students (41
> this semester!) as a standalone "package". It isn't as polished as
> prelude or others, but it allows them to do things like I do out of the
> box.

Great slides and a great activity.  I totally agree that we need to teach
our students to use real tools they can use sustainably throughout their

I am developing a package and a bundle for people in Chinese Studies and
neighbouring fields.  This needs a slightly different set of packages and
settings so I don't think a one-size-fits-all approach would be productive
here, neither on the Emacs level, nor on the level of something like jmax. 
I think being able to have something like

$> pip --freeze > requirements   and
$> pip install -r <requirements

might provide both a flexible and extensible way to maintain meta packages. 
Or is there already a better way in the Emacs universe?

All the best,


Christian Wittern, Kyoto

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