Hej Lars,

Thanks for your patch.

Lars Tveito <larst...@ifi.uio.no> writes:

> When exporting to LaTeX, links are exported using \href. These are
> completely invisible if the document is printed out. I consider this a
> problem.

It's easy enough to fix in latex.  Here's a not quite trivial solution
I've used for letters.

    \Urlmuskip = 0mu plus 1mu
      \parindent 0em
      \hb@xt@ 2.65em{\hss %  There's the option of putting \hss before
        \bfseries{\@thefnmark}. }%       or after \@thefnmark, aligning the 
      #1}%                  marks to the right or to the left, respectively
    foo \href{http://orgmode.org}{bar}

> I think a good solution is to add a footnote with the link, in addition
> to the \href. I've added a patch with this (tiny) change.

We shouldn't hardcode this behavior.


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