
Bernt Hansen <be...@norang.ca> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am a long-time user of org-mode and am currently using the
> maintenance release 8.3.1
> I noticed that in the agenda the '//' key to filter by tag now adds
> tags when used multiple times.  This breaks my normal workflow for
> quickly filtering by a specific tag.
> In the past I would do:
> / P to filter items for PRODUCTION then
> / D to filter items by DEV
> But now the behaviour is
> / P to filter items by PRODUCTION
> / D adds DEV to filtering by PRODUCTION+DEV which returns no items.
> Now I have to do // to clear the tag list between filters.
> Is this intended behaviour and did I miss the NEWS update on this?
> Thanks,
> Bernt

Looking through the commit messages this may come from commit

Sorry, I don't use the agenda, so I can't help you more at the moment.

Best regards

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