> Beautiful! I would love to see the org file! How did emacs perform which such 
> huge file?

Emacs had no trouble whatsoever. The main file is 9313 lines. 

I turned off evaluation of code blocks at export time. Many of the code blocks 
download data from FAO and other websites before using them. Evaluating all of 
them at export time would have meant too much lag in producing the pdf. So all 
code blocks had to be manually evaluated (C-c C-c), if I changed anything.

I did not manage to learn and use export filters. There were a couple of things 
that I needed to fix at the time of export. Since I could not handle those in 
org, I wrote a bash script that would use sed to clear up those things, and 
then create a pdf. But that was it.

Although I do not know git very well, I can manage basic operations. I had a 
git repo to deal with versions. In the end, there were two versions: one that 
laid out the page on a larger stock paper with trim marks for the printer, and 
another that generated the online version for the FAO document repository.

Let me put the files in a github repo and share the link.


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