Marcin Borkowski <> writes:

> ;; Convert single spaces after periods etc. to "\ " when exporting to LaTeX
> (defun my-latex-filter-nonfrenchspacing (text backend info)
>   "Convert single spaces after dots to \"\ \"."
>   (when (and (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex)
>            sentence-end-double-space)
>     (replace-regexp-in-string
>      (concat "\\(" sentence-end-base "\\)"
>            "[ \u00a0]\\([^ \t\u00a0\n]\\)")
>      "\\1\\\\ \\2" text)))
> (add-to-list 'org-export-filter-plain-text-functions
>            'my-latex-filter-nonfrenchspacing)
> It is a bit simplistic (after all, I wrote it just now in 15 minutes),
> but it seems to work fine.  It makes a few assumptions, though.  One of
> them is that you don't mess with sentence-end-base too much: I assumed
> that there are no non-shy groups there.  (By default there are not, and
> I don't see any reason for them to be there, but what do I know.)  Also,
> I assume that for the period to /not/ end the sentence, it should be
> followed by one space and something non-spacey.

Here'a an alternative implementation with other limitation, e.g. only
looking at [A-Z] for capitals:

> Also, note that while Emacs' way of differentiating between
> a sentence-ending period and a non-sentence-ending period are fairly
> simple, (La)TeX's rules are a bit more complicated (look up "space
> factor" in The TeXbook).  For instance, LaTeX assumes that a period
> after a capital letter /never/ ends the sentence, and you have to use \@
> before such period to change that.  The algorithm TeX uses is really
> clever, and can be (ab)used in funny ways to do funny stuff in
> low-level, hackish TeX ways (been there, done that - for instance, when
> I once reimplemented the theorem-like environments, I used space factor
> to make sure that if a theorem begins with an enumeration, it looks
> fine.  The "standard" LaTeX implementation of theorem-like environments
> is kind of crazy, even if it works in typical cases.  Try typesetting
> a theorem with a long optional argument in a narrow column and see what
> happens, for instance.).

But isn't a lot of the cruft from TeX "fixed" in LaTeX.  E.g. I believe
the correct space is automatically used after emphasis.

> TL;DR: just use \frenchspacing.  Everyone will be happier.

Or not.

The Kids call him Billy the Saint

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