On Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 3:11 AM, Charles Philip Chan <cpc...@bell.net> wrote:
> On 11 Aug 2015, cpc...@bell.net wrote:
> On 11 Aug 2015, m...@nicolasgoaziou.fr wrote:
>>> Do you have any other information to share? E.g., what happens when
>>> syncing breaks?
>> Yes. The sync fails with a "Syntax error in regexp pattern near index
>> 383" error on the Android (version 5.1.1) side.
> I just upgraded to the latest git version of org-mode and this problem
> still persists. I have to use an older version of org-mobile for syncing
> to work.
> Charles
> --
> "Are [Linux users] lemmings collectively jumping off of the cliff of
> reliable, well-engineered commercial software?"
> (By Matt Welsh)
> --
> Linux!  Guerrilla UNIX Development     Venimus, Vidimus, Dolavimus.
> (By m...@ka4ybr.com, Mark A. Horton KA4YBR)

Could you send to me index.org, agendas.org and checksums.dat files
which break the sync  (unless they don't contain a sensitive data)?
Sergey Gordienko

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