Hi Matt,

Matt Price <mopto...@gmail.com> writes:

>> > a) add a horizontal rule
>> >
>> > pandoc expects a horizontal rule at each slide division.  So, if
>> possible,
>> > I would like to add an hhr element at the end of every headline.
>> What’s a hhr element?
>> <hr>, I meant
>> Can you just use something like
>> ---------------------------
>> for a horizontal rule?  AFAIK, it’s inserted as "---".
>> yes.  but then I will have to take out all the "---------------------"
> elements if I want to go back to using my original org documents again.
> The point is that I have lots of these lecture notes, and would prefer not
> to alter them too severely if possible.

In that case I would indeed use a filter and run it conditional on the
file path, available through the info plist.

You could can add lines via org-export-before-processing-hook.  Combine,
outline-next-heading (or just re-search-forward and org-heading-regexp),
check with org-element-at-point or org-outline-level and go to the end of
the headline and insert your line (if you use org-element-at-point for
this, remember to skip backwards through the " \n\t").

> yes, that's right, I was being hasty. In any case, what I would like to do
> is reproduce this behaviour in the markdown export; I have tried modifying
> the md export but I am doing something wrong, clearly, and had hoped to get
> some hints from the list...

It gives a div already with ox-md, right?  What do you want more?  Do you
want it to be an <aside ...></aside ...> element?  If so, use a filter on
org-export-filter-special-block-functions that does a regexp replacement.


Don't panic!!!

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