Lawrence Bottorff <> writes:

>     ... assuming that OP is talking about latex export.
>     I assumed he was talking about the org buffer - we'll have to wait
>     and see who guessed correctly :-)
>     --
>     Nick
> Subtle. Yes, both would be nice, both in the buffer and as an HTML export. I 
> put this
> (setq org-list-demote-modify-bullet
>           '(("+" . "-") ("-" . "+") ("*" . "+") ("-" . "8594")))
> in my init file, but I'm not seeing it as a choice in customize.

Not sure what you mean: what does customize have to do with this?
What this says, is that if you start with a + bullet, the next
level down will be a - bullet; if you start with a - bullet, the
next level down will be a + bullet; if you start with a * bullet, the
next level down will be a + bullet.

AFAIK, these are taken in LR order, so it will never see the last pair.
And the specification of the unicode character is wrong.

 (setq org-list-demote-modify-bullet
 '(("-" . "→") ("→" . "↑") ("↑" . "↓")))

(I used insert-char interactively

   C-x 8 RET right arrow RET

to get the right arrow and similarly for the up arrow and the down

At least that's what I thought, but it doesn't work as I expected: I get
the right arrow as the bullet in the second level, but if I try M-RET, I
get a - bullet at first level again and I cannot indent it past second
level. I'm probably misunderstanding something.


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