Xebar Saram <zelt...@gmail.com> writes:
> I am building an introduction to R course using org (and now
> org-reveal!). in some slide i show code blocks and would like to show
> the students the actual run of the code.

> I was wondering if anyone knew if there is a way to press a link in my
> reveal slide show that would take me to the corresponding org header
> where i could actually run the code in R+ESS.

I don't know anything about org-reveal (since I write my reveal.js
slides in html). But you could possibly get something working with
org-protocol. Or you could perhaps hack an emacs web server (elnode,
Eric Schulte's web server, etc.) to respond to links such as

Probably the simplest solution is to have the org buffers queued up in
Emacs and to switch to them with ye olde "Alt Tab" (or whatever key
combination your window manager uses).


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