Hi Carsten,

First of all, let me say thank you for this wonderful addition to
org-mode. I will certainly do more of my writing in org-mode now.

I've tested the new footnote feature and can get everything to work
except anonymous footnotes. When using more than one anonymous
footnote, all subsequent anonymous footnotes are exported with the
number of the first footnote and their notes are lost. (The same
happens when normalizing footnotes in org-mode.) I've included the
source and output below. At the moment, I'm using Emacs 22.2.1 (Carbon

Happy New Year!

- Matt


A. Here is the org source:

--begin source--

* Testing the new footnotes function
Here is a footnote.[fn:: The first anonymous footnote.] And here is
another footnote.[fn:: The second anonymous footnote.] And a third
anonymous footnote.[fn:: The third anonymous footnote.] Now a footnote
with a definition.[fn:label] Here is the footnote with a
definition.[fn:special: Inline definition.] Here is a reference to
that same footnote.[fn:special] And a traditional numbered

[fn:label] Named footnote.

[2] Numbered footnote.

--end source--

B. Here's what the exported html looks like (copied from w3m):

---begin exported html---

Table of Contents

  * 1 Testing the new footnotes function

1 Testing the new footnotes function

Here is a footnote.^1 And here is another footnote.^1 And a third
anonymous footnote.^1 Now a footnote with a definition.^2 Here is the
footnote with a definition.^3 Here is a reference to that same
footnote.^3 And a traditional numbered footnote.^4


^1 The first anonymous footnote.

^2 Named footnote.

^3 Inline definition.

^4 Numbered footnote.

---end exported html---

C. Finally, here are the results when I normalize the footnotes in

* Testing the new footnotes function
Here is a footnote.[1] And here is another footnote.[1] And a third
anonymous footnote.[1] Now a footnote with a definition.[2] Here is
the footnote with a definition.[3] Here is a reference to that same
footnote.[3] And a traditional numbered footnote.[4]

* Footnotes

[1] The first anonymous footnote.

[2] Named footnote.

[3] Inline definition.

[4] Numbered footnote.

Carsten Dominik <domi...@science.uva.nl> writes:

> Hi,
> the result of this discussion about footnotes is now
> in the latest git version, see
> http://orgmode.org/Changes.html#sec-1.1.1
> for more information.
> - Carsten

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