Hi all,

I've just stumbled over this: https://gingkoapp.com/ .  From a cursory
glance it seems like a web-based, proprietary, simplified version of
Org-mode for non-geeks.  Not that I'm inclined to try it out - I've got
Org - but maybe someone would find it interesting/inspiring.

Disclosure: I am not related to the author or the company who produces
that app.  I'm just curious if anyone has seen this, and whether some
features might be an inspiration for e.g. new Org-mode features/modules.
For instance, they say in the "quick intro" that they have /templates/
for common things, like writing screenplays.  That /might/ (or might
not) be an interesting thing to implement in Org-mode.


Marcin Borkowski
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Adam Mickiewicz University

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