Marcin Borkowski <> writes:

> Since your point is quite valid - and OTOH, I would like to put anything
> (or almost anything) in =code= markup, for instance (my use case: Emacs
> keybindings, try =C-x ,= - Org won't recognize it as code!).  I could
> mess up with org-emphasis-regexp-components in e.g. file local
> variables, but this is far from clean.

I cannot think of any bad consequence if we tailor "border" in
`org-emphasis-regexp-components' to allow everything but white spaces.

> Maybe a good solution would be to allow two syntaxes for markup:
> "short", like *bold* or =code=, and "long", like \textbf{bold} and
> \verb|code|.  If it is decided that such LaTeX-like syntax is fine, we
> could only introduce escaping of backslash and curly braces, which seems
> a decent compromise.

I don't think LaTeX-like syntax is good. It doesn't belong to
lightweight markup. Besides, Org already supports LaTeX macros so it
would probably be ambiguous.

I suggest to keep as close as possible to the existing markup.


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