Hi Benda,

2015ko irailak 18an, Benda Xu-ek idatzi zuen:


> However, this feature does not work with cache.  In case that "input"
> code block takes a long time to evaluate, it is a good idea to cache the
> result.  But that returns "nil" in subsequent function calls:
>    #+name: input
>    #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output :cache yes
>    echo "3"
>    #+END_SRC
>    #+RESULTS[f69ecd305ebd448fc39b05809d214261a777c6bc]: input
>    : 3
>    #+BEGIN_SRC R :var a=input()
>    a
>    #+END_SRC
>    #+RESULTS:
>    : nil
> Recalling the cached function should return exactly the same result by
> definition of "cache".

I can’t reproduce this on org master.

> Or is there a way to circumvent this by referring to the "RESULT" field
> directly?

I believe you can add a name to the results, and use that:

| #+name: input
| #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output :cache yes
| echo "3"
| #+name: input-results
| #+RESULTS[f69ecd305ebd448fc39b05809d214261a777c6bc]: input
| : 3
| #+BEGIN_SRC R :var a=input-results
| a
| : 3

Hope this helps,

Aaron Ecay

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