Lawrence Bottorff <> writes:

> New thread. Anyway, putting lisp/SLIME aside, I experimented with emacs lisp 
> -- and got
> the same results, i.e., no real LOB functionality, despite proper loading. I 
> must be doing
> something wrong? I'll describe my process again:
> Load and into `org-babel-library-of-babel` with 
> `org-babel-lob-ingest`. Good.
> Check -- and yes, both functions are in `org-babel-library-of-babel` and seem 
> to be ready
> and "live." But when I try to call them in, org-mode has no knowledge 
> of them. Then
> I try #+call and #+lob on a function. Still no knowledge of it. At this 
> point I'm
> not sure LOB works -- or I have a mistaken idea of what it is and what it 
> does.

org-babel-lob-ingest adds files to the LOB (i.e. it's as if you had the
code blocks in your file explicitly). But you still need to define the
function, i.e. evaluate the code block. IOW, you need to call (org-sbe
"func") in the buffer where you are going to use "func" I think. See my
other post re. your lisp/slime attempts.


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