On Oct 30, 2015 09:09, "Christian Moe" <m...@christianmoe.com> wrote:
> Thomas S. Dye writes:
> > Sorry, I forgot to give an example.  I use it like this [[sc:ad][AD]].
> >
> > The advantage of a link over a macro is that the link should export
> > correctly to both LaTeX and HTML.
> >
> > If you intend to export to a single backend, then Nicolas' suggestion to
> > use a macro is simpler.
> Though you could support multiple backends with a macro, too, you just
> need to use lots of @'s. E.g.:
> #+MACRO: sc @@latex:\textsc{$1}@@@@html:<span style="font-variant:
>  small-caps;">$1</span>@@
> Already in 400 {{{sc(bc)}}}, the Greeks...
> That's for a quick example; better to use <span class="smallcaps"> or
> something and put the CSS in a separate stylesheet, of couse

thanks everyone for all the suggestions, I will try out a few of them and
decide which seems most natural for me. But in any event I've learned a bit
about macros and custom links, which has been great.

> Yours,
> Christian

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