When an outline tree of headers

* top 1
** something
** something
** something
*** something
**** something
***** something
****** something

is exported, say, to html, org-mode produces a numerical outline as deep as
the options are set

1. top
1.1. something
1.2. something
1.3. something
1.3.1. something something something something

Now, is there any way to actually capture that outline numeration for use
in the original buffer? I'm thinking I would like to make a sort of tags or
custom_id  system based on these numbers.

* top :1:
** something :1.1:
** something :1.2:
** something :1.3:
*** something :1.3.1:
**** something :
***** something :
****** something :

It would also be nice if org-mode simply used these numbers in the original
buffer instead of stars.


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