Hi Oleh,

2015ko azaroak 8an, Oleh Krehel-ek idatzi zuen:
> Aaron Ecay <aarone...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Extra elisp inside the org file is an important way of extending the
>> power of org markup.  Why don’t you want to use it?
> Including boilerplate Elisp, all subtly different into each markup
> document, just to extend the markup with the syntax that it should have
> in the first place anyway. Doesn't that sound bad to you?
> One-off Elisp inclusions relevant to a single document are great and
> powerful, but adding boilerplate code, usually more of it that the whole
> sum of the markup, doesn't sound great at all.  This could be rectified
> somewhat by using `require', but then we don't have a self-contained
> document any more. Which is important to facilitate sharing and re-use
> of Org-mode documents.

I’m not sure I understand you.  You’re against putting elisp into the
document, but that seems like the main thrust of your proposal.  You
also want self-contained documents, but insofar as these rely on new
features being added to org, they will introduce dependencies on
specific org versions, which is an potential obstacle to sharing and

>> Not in general.  For small pieces of text, you can use macros.
>> Something like:
>> #+macro: ifinfo (eval (if (org-export-derived-backend 
>> org-export-current-backend 'info) "$1" "$2"))
>> {{{ifinfo([[info:emacs#Pachages]],[[https://....]])}}}
> The macro definition and call syntax looks very ugly.

For aesthetic considerations when editing, check out

I think Nicolas gave you very thorough responses to the rest of your
proposal.  Just a one more additional comment.


> 2. Something like `ox-link' isn't built-in.

Thorsten Jolitz’s org-dp library might provide you a base on which to
build such functions, if you’re motivated.
<https://github.com/tj64/org-dp>.  The readme is a little dense IMO (the
docstrings are better), but you should be able to do something like:

(defun ox-link (dest)
  (let* ((elements (split-string dest ":"))
         (type (nth 0 elements))
         (path (mapconcat #'identity (cdr elements) ":")))
    (org-dp-create 'link nil nil
                   :type type
                   :path path)))

If you build a library of such functions and they prove useful, we could
put them in org-contrib and (eventually perhaps) into core.

Hope this is helpful,

Aaron Ecay

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