On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 2:29 PM, Peter Davis <p...@pfdstudio.com> wrote:
> For the first time, I'm trying to export just a single subtree of my overall 
> document, by typing
> C-c C-e C-s H O
> However, I get this error:
> apply: Wrong type argument: listp, #("Details, November 2015" 0 22 (:parent 
> (#0)))
> The portion in quotes is the overall title of my document.
> Should this work? Is there something I need to do differently?

Would you kindly provide a minimal working example? Perhaps create a
dummy tree and indicate an analogous subtree export target so that the
list can try to reproduce. Perhaps someone will catch from the error
what the problem is, but having something to try is extremely helpful.
Since my subtree export works, I'm at a loss for how to diagnose why
yours doesn't.

Even better would be a minimal configuration file that also replicates
your issue. In this way, users can replicate your exact setup with:

- emacs -Q
- M-x load-file RET ~/path/to/your/provided/min-config
- navigate to subtree you've indicated
- C-c C-e C-s H O

Make sense? This should be standard for any error you encounter sent
to the list, as a lot of these are likely going to come down to a
nuance in your actual file, your emacs config, or possible an actual
bug (in which case M-x org-version is also very helpful).


> Thank you!
> -pd

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