I am pretty sure this is not directly possible right now.

Some approaches that resemble it could be:
1. write a src block that will be tangled to a script.
2. tangle the block
3. Run the script in a shell src block with an & so it runs

or, use an elisp block like:

(async-shell-command "your script" some-output-buffer)

I don't know a way to get continuous updated output in an org-buffer

I do things like this by making code blocks that submit scripts to a
queue system if needed, and then raising an exception. If not needed,
the scripts read data files and return the answer I want.

You might find a way to use the async module
(https://github.com/jwiegley/emacs-async) to achieve something like this
too but I suspect it still involves tangling, or calling the named block 

Tom writes:

> When I run Python code in a session from Org mode and the execution takes a
> while, the cursor changes to a wait cursor. In addition, the session window
> doesn't display any intermediate output until the execution has finished.
> Is there any way of changing this behavior? I would like to start
> long-running functions from within org-mode and see the progress of the
> computation as it happens.
> Tom

Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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