On Sat, 21 Nov 2015 10:42:24 -0500
Peter Davis <p...@pfdstudio.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 20, 2015, at 03:58 PM, dean wrote:
> > On 11/21/15 00:14, Peter Davis wrote:
> > Hi pd,
> >
> > > I'm just starting out with MobileOrg, using Dropbox, but I'm
> > > confused by the setup instructions. I've gotten the app linked to
> > > my Dropbox account, but the next step in the setup instructions
> > > <http://mobileorg.ncogni.to/doc/getting-started/using-dropbox/>
> > > involve setting up some emacs stuff on my "local system." My
> > > question is: *Which* local system? I have several sync'ed to
> > > Dropbox. Is the mobile app going to require a single point of
> > > contact?
> > >
> >
> > Im fairly new to emacs and mobileorg, so im no expert here but...
> > I believe Mobile org will be using your dropbox folder as its single
> > point of contact.
> > For example your workflow would be:
> > - Create/edit notes/todo's on your phone
> > - sync the app (which should save to dropbox)
> > - Open emacs on your pc, issue org-mobile-pull
> > - This should add your edits to your org files on your pc
> >
> > For the other direction:
> > - Edit org files on your pc, issue org-mobile-push
> > - sync on the app should import your edits into the app
> >
> > Im assuming you have a dropbox daemon taking care of the syncing in
> > this process.
> >
> > This should be the same no matter how many pc's/emacs you use.
> > Does this help answer your question?
> >
> Thanks, Dean.  Actually, I can't even sync mobileorg. When I try
> (Pressing the sync button in the upper right corner), I get:
> *Error downloading checksums*
> An error was encountered while downloading checksums.dat from the
> server. The file isn't required, but the error received was unusual.
> The error was:
> Unexpected error
> I don't know what that's about, but I can't get past It.
> Thanks,
> -pd
>   Peter Davis
>   www.techcurmudgeon.com
>   www.timebums.com

I ran into this same problem. The source of the problem appears to be
that MobileOrg really, really wants to create the directory
~/Dropbox/Apps/MobileOrg.  My workaround was to:

1. Delete any and all MobileOrg directories in Dropbox so you don't get
confused as to which one is really the right one.

2. Bring up MobileOrg on your iPhone or iPad. Let it create the

3. Configure org on your desktop/laptop to export to

4. Now export from your desktop via org.

5. You should now be able to sync on your mobile device.

Note that is you want to sync to multiple mobile devices you need to
repeat steps 1 and 2 for each device before you do anything from org on
your desktop. Each of the MobileOrg instances will create the target
directory when it initializes.

This could be avoided if there were a way in MobileOrg to set the
synchronization directory. But, at least it is still possible to get
all this to work.

Good luck and happy org-ing.

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