> Manish <mailtomanish.sha...@gmail.com> writes:
  >> Hello Carsten,
  >> The image at http://imagebin.org/35260 shows the Orgmode homepage in
  >> IE6 and http://imagebin.org/35261 shows the the same page in FF3. The
  >> page in IE (6) is jumbled up (table of contents mixed up with page
  >> contents) since it (IE6) does not support "position: fixed" used in
  >> the org.css. I faced the same issue when I gave some org-generated
  >> HTML documentation to someone using IE yesterday. So I got some help
  >> from a friend and worked out a compromise so that it doesn't break so
  >> horribly in IE6.
  >> What I did was to create another small CSS file, org-ie6, css,
with following
  >> contents:
  >>  : #table-of-contents{
  >>  :   position: absolute;
  >>  :   float: left;
  >>  : }
  >>  :
  >>  : body {
  >>  : background-attachment: scroll;
  >>  : }
  >> And load this CSS conditionally when IE 6 is being used by adding
  >> following line in the generated HTML file's header just above the
  >> <body> tag:
  >>  : <!--[if lt IE 7]><link rel="stylesheet" href="org-ie6.css"
  >> type="text/css" ><![endif]-->
  >> (previous line may wrap)
  >> The compromise is that the table of contents in the sidebar (along
  >> with the background image) scrolls up with the page unlike in FF,
  >> which IMHO, is an acceptable compromise. I have been told that some
  >> javascript magic can make IE6 behave like "position: fixed" but I
  >> haven't yet worked out how/if that can be done.
  >> Possibly a better workaround/solution exists for this else please
  >> consider making similar change to the Orgmode home page.
  >> Also, I do not have access to IE7 so I do not know if that works.

On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 1:15 AM, Sebastian Rose wrote:
> This is what I use in such cases. All styles starting with '*' are read
> by IE only. No compromise should be neccessary.
> @media screen {
> /* ... all your styles here ... */
> #table-of-contents
> {
>  position:fixed;
>  width:198px;
> }
> * html { overflow-y: hidden; }
> * html body {
>  overflow-y: auto;
>  height: 100%;
>  padding: 0 0 0 0;
>  font-size: 100%;
> }
> * html div#table-of-contents { position: absolute; }
> }

This is a much better solution.  I have an on/off-topic question
though, if you do not mind.  In case the TOC contents are more than
what fits on the page what do I add to css (or may be to #+OPTIONS
line?) to bring up a scroll bar like in


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