
On 11/27/2015 08:45 AM, sgeorgii . wrote:

The subject question. When I

M-x org-agenda

and it is now Friday - in my weekly agenda view I want only to see Friday (today), Saturday and Sunday. I.e. only remaining part of the week.

By default my agenda shows from Monday till Sunday regardless of current day. How do I filter our days which are in past in my Agenda?

Any help?
As to agenda starting today I have the following in my init.el

(setq org-agenda-start-on-weekday nil) ;starts agenda week view "today"
                                       ;rather than a fixed day each week

Perhaps you can set org-agenda-span someway to show only the remaining days in the week. I set it to

(setq org-agenda-span 14)

so that I see the next 14 days I believe setting it to 'fortnight also works.

Charlie Millar

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