Hi Richard.

Thank you for your work on improving citation support for org-mode. I
have some experiences from using Zotero, but for the moment I'm using
org-ref[1] to manage my citations.

Richard Lawrence writes:

> For the past few days, I've been looking more closely at using the
> combination of Zotero [1] with Erik Hetzner's zotxt plugin [2] as a
> means of processing citations when exporting to non-LaTeX backends.  I
> am now thinking that this is probably our best option, but I'd like to
> know what other people think before I sink a lot of work into it.
> Here are the reasons I think this is the best option:
> 1) It is really easy for users.

I think ease of use is very important. Maybe some day we can talk with
Zotero directly from Emacs, but installing a browser extension seems to
be the easiest we can do for now.

> I know that many people (perhaps especially the `power users' who have
> been active in the citations discussion so far) prefer to maintain their
> reference database without the aid of a GUI reference manager like
> Zotero.

Maybe two way sync between BibTeX and Zotero would be sufficient for
power users? I know there is already automatic exporters to BibTex for
Zotero, but some work needs to be done to make it a two-way sync.

I don't mind the GUI for editing the bibliography database, especially
when the Zotero Translators [2] make such a good job for scraping
citation metadata directly from web pages.

I wouldn't like to use the Zotero GUI for bibliography notes. I think
the best feature of org-ref is that the bibliography notes are stored in
an org-mode file, my preferred note-taking tool. Will this be supported
with the new citation processing you are working on?

Best regards,
Martin Yrjölä

[1] https://github.com/jkitchin/org-ref
[2] https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/translators

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