John Kitchin <> writes:

> Hi all,
> I tried using org-export-before-parsing-hook to modify an org-file prior
> to export to replace some regular expressions with html.
> I ran into the following issue. For short substitutions,
> @@html:replacement@@ worked fine. If the replacement text got too long,
> this broke. I did wrap it in a #+begin_html: block, but that introduced
> line breaks that were undesireable. The replacement text was long
> because I had a large tool tip to put on some text.
> I ended up doing a post-process like this:
> (with-current-buffer (org-html-export-as-html)
>   (org-process-key-bindings 'html)
>   (org-process-emacs-commands 'html)
>   (write-file "blog.html")
>   (browse-url "blog.html"))
> But, I wondered if there should be a post-export hook? I can see some
> challenge for pdf export, for example. The hook should run after the
> latex export, not after the pdf is made.

I don't think your example warrant an extra hook.  Replacing strings is
something that org-export-filter-final-output-functions is perfectly
capable of doing IMO.  It’s a bit of a hassle to work with transcoded
strings, but having a hook would not change this.


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