Hi Jeremy,

2015ko abenudak 1an, Jeremy Hankins-ek idatzi zuen:
> I recently started using org-mode, so forgive me if this is covered
> somewhere that I missed.  But I'm trying to use fixmee.el with org-mode;
> it works by finding "fixme" tags in comments, but it's not finding
> anything in my orgmode files.  I've traced the problem to the fact that
> syntax-ppss fails to accurately report that it's in a comment.

I would not expect this to work: because of the way that org-mode
comments work, I don’t see a way for them to be fit into the syntax
table machinery.  Something with syntaxtic fontification
(info "(elisp) Syntactic Font Lock") might be able to be put together,
but to what end I’m not sure.

Org mode provides built-in functionality to create “TODO” annotations
(called inline tasks).  These might server your purpose better than what
you are trying to do with fixmee.  You need to put the following line in
your emacs init file:

(require 'org-inlinetask)

You may also want:

(setq org-inlinetask-default-state "TODO")

Then C-c C-x t in an org file will insert an inline task.  You can get a
view of the TODO headlines in a buffer (including but not limited to
inlinetasks) by pressing C-c / t.  (This is just the tip of the iceberg
wrt listing/sorting/filtering org headlines.)

Aaron Ecay

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