Hi Sacha,

Thanks for your patch.

2015ko abenudak 2an, Sacha Chua-ek idatzi zuen:
> I was trying to get org-protocol to work on KDE Plasma 5.4.2. I set up
> my ~/.kde/share/kde4/services/org.protocol, but the standard
> org-protocol sample syntax:
>    org-protocol://store-link://URL/TITLE
> resulted in the error:
>    Malformed URL
>    Port field was empty; source was "..."; scheme = "org-protocol",
>    host = "store-link", path = "// ..."
> Modifying my Javascript to create links of the form:
>    org-protocol://store-link:0//URL/TITLE

I think that the original format is an ad-hoc manipulation of the url
format which tries to pack two PROTOCOL:// sequences into one string.
Rather than adding a bogus port which just doubles down on this, a
better solution IMO would be to make org-protocol links valid urls in
another way, using the query string format:


This corresponds better to the url format: the protocol is org-protocol,
which determines emacs shall handle this link.  The location is
store-link, which indicates a handler function which is an element of
‘org-protocol-protocol-alist’, and the query string gives the arguments
to this function.

Does that make sense?


Aaron Ecay

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