Rasmus writes:

> John Kitchin <jkitc...@andrew.cmu.edu> writes:
>> I have an intermediate use case that isn't covered by html snippets or
>> blocks, and I wondered if there is a solution to it.
>> What I want is to put a large tooltip on a link in html output. The text
>> for the tooltip is too large to fit on one line in a @@html:@@ snippet,
>> and if I put it in an html block it adds line breaks in the html export.
>> Is there a regular way to avoid this, e.g. to insert a large snippet?
> How about a custom link type?  I thought that’s general solution to life,
> the universe and everything ;)

It works for a lot of things, but not this ;) Links do not work with
line breaks in them.

> If a lot of the width is due to html cruft you might be able to shorten
> redundant parts via a macro, but I’m sure you thought about that...  You
> can also add more snippets, one after the other:
>      @@html:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@@
>      @@html:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@@
> Another hackish solutions would be to use a filter + footnotes with a
> recognizable pattern, but I’m not sure I would go that way...

This is probably my solution. Replace the things prior to export with
uuids, export, and put then post filter to replace the uuids with the
html code. It turns out I did this once before to get matlab to post to
where I had to protect some text temporarily, and then deprotect it.


> I doubt this help, but those were my 2 cents.
> Rasmus

Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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