
York Zhao <gtdplatf...@gmail.com> writes:

> Thanks for your help. However, adding the :EXPORT_DATE: property doesn't
> work. Firstly, there's an error: "PDF file produced with errors.".

You have to add an address, e.g.

* letter 1
:EXPORT_DATE: 2015-10-26 Monday
** to                                                                    :to:
The Org list
** To whom it may concern,
* letter 2
:EXPORT_DATE: 2015-12-03 Thursday
** to                                                                    :to:
** To whom it may concern,

> Secondly, even though it still produced a PDF output, the date is always
> today's date which is wrong.

I cannot reproduce.  I get this as part of exporting the first subtree
(I click: C-c C-e C-s k L)

         \date{2015-10-26 Monday}

Hope it helps,

Enough with the bla bla!

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