On 8 Ion 2009, at 17:07, Matthew Lundin wrote:

One caveat. Org attach doesn't work in quite this way. The data
directory hierarchy isn't really human readable (i.e., it doesn't
mirror the org outline hierarchy). But that would be a nightmare to
make work, I imagine, because of constant changes to the org outline
structure. Rather, directories containing files are attached to
outline headings via automatically generated IDs.

Well, why not allow the user to choose a directory, there's no real reason why the directory structure has to match the org file?

I started using attachments when the feature came out and really liked them, especially the simple interface for choosing a file to attach (even better with ido). But after a while, I found the fact that I could only reasonably get to attachments through the org file difficult to work with - what happens when I've finished a task and archived it off? I've got to go hunting through the archive file to find the old task before I can find the attachments. So I stopped using them and decided I'd use normal hyperlinks instead. But then I found out just how awkward is is to have to either cut-and-paste the directory path or type it in manually whenever I want to link to a file.

David Lord

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