On Thu, 08 Jan 2009 08:47:37 -0200, Daniel Martins wrote:

> I have the same migration problem.
> I still use Google Calendar to share appts with my students. Sometimes
> they mark an appt on certain dates etc...
> My migration problem is threefold since I migrated from planner-el too
> and I use remind a lot. I like wyrd for remote operation and I had
> remind - diary - ical and planner-el very integrated.
> I posted an email about this topíc a couple of weeks ago.
> I sincerely think that org-mode would be improved from using remind. At
> least until org-mode have all the calendar niceties that remind provides
> for quite complex periodic dates and "strange" holidays and non working
> days. Remind is quite a powerful calendar parser.
> Wyrd (a remind interface) is a clean interface to see appts and schedule
> even remotely.
> Org-mode however exceeds remind, wyrd and planner-el as tool for
> organization as a whole.
> An interesting aspect is that we can use the "remind path" to automate
> some of the conversion from ical (eg Google Calendar) to org-mode.
> The ical -> org-mode could be done using the longer path
> ical -> remind -> diary -> org-mode
> Via
> ical -> remind:  http://wiki.43folders.com/index.php/*ICal2Rem*
> remind -> diary:   Sacha's rem2diary
> diary -> org-mode:  (setq org-agenda-include-diary t)
> the reverse path could be directly
> org-mode -> ical
> .reminders.org.deadline
> .reminders.org.scheduled
> However  to add all my appts in
> .reminders.org.deadline and
>  .reminders.org.scheduled
>   from inside org-mode
> I think that
> org2rem
> from Bastien
> is lacking a few features such as timed reminders and generates a non
> completely compatible .reminders files
> I have made some corrections and org2rem is working better now but it is
> still lacking to add appts with timestamps (ie with no SCHEDULED: or
> DEADLINE: tags)
> If someone is also interested I cand send my version of org2rem

I am interested in your version of org2rem. I use remind quite regularly 
in conjunction with org-mode and tried a few months ago to work out how 
to improve org2rem myself, either stripping the org-mode priority cookies 
or changing them to something remind could use, but my lisp skills are 
too feeble to work out how to do it.

> I hope this helps,
> Daniel
> 2009/1/8 Ian Barton <li...@manor-farm.org>
>> As it's the start of a new year, I want to move my appointments from
>> Google Calendar as the primary source to org. When my system in org is
>> running smoothly I will export to Google Calendar on a regular basis.
>> Searching back through the list there are quite a lot of snippets
>> describing how people use org to keep appointments, but no overview. I
>> would like to write a tutorial on how you can keep your appointments in
>> org, so I thought that I would ask list members if they would post some
>> details of their system.
>> I am intending to keep my appointments in a dedicated org file (
>> calendar.org). At the moment I am using a remember template which adds
>> them with a tag of APPT. I the use a custom agenda view if I only want
>> to see appointments.
>> I am particularly interested in the best way to deal with repeating
>> appointments. For example how do you deal with a weekly appointment
>> that has a defined start and end date.
>> Ian.
>> _______________________________________________ Emacs-orgmode mailing
>> list
>> Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
>> Emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
>> http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode
> I have the same migration problem.<br><br>I still use Google Calendar to
> share appts with my students. Sometimes they mark an appt on certain
> dates etc...<br><br>My migration problem is threefold since I migrated
> from planner-el too and&nbsp; I use remind a lot. I like wyrd for remote
> operation and I had remind - diary - ical and planner-el very
> integrated.<br>
> <br>I posted an email about this topíc a couple of weeks ago.<br><br> I
> sincerely think that org-mode would be improved from using remind. At
> least until org-mode have all the calendar niceties that remind provides
> for quite complex periodic dates and &quot;strange&quot; holidays and
> non working days. Remind is quite a powerful calendar parser.<br>
> <br><br>Wyrd (a remind interface) is a clean interface to see appts and
> schedule even remotely.<br><br>Org-mode however exceeds remind, wyrd and
> planner-el as tool for organization as a whole.<br><br><br>An
> interesting aspect is that we can use the &quot;remind path&quot; to
> automate some of the conversion from ical (eg Google Calendar) to
> org-mode.<br> <br>The ical -&gt; org-mode could be done using the longer
> path<br><br>ical -&gt; remind -&gt; diary -&gt;
> org-mode<br><br>Via<br><br>ical -&gt; remind:&nbsp; <cite><a
> href="http://wiki.43folders.com/index.php/";
> target="_blank">http://wiki.43folders.com/index.php/</a><b>ICal2Rem</
> <br>remind -&gt; diary: &nbsp; Sacha&#39;s rem2diary<br><br>diary -&gt;
> org-mode:&nbsp; (setq org-agenda-include-diary
> t)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br> <br><br>the reverse
> path could be directly<br><br>org-mode -&gt;
> to add all my appts in <br>.reminders.org.deadline and<br>
> &nbsp;.reminders.org.scheduled<br>&nbsp; from inside org-mode <br><br>I
> think that <br> <br>org2rem <br>from Bastien<br><br>is lacking a few
> features such as timed reminders and generates a non completely
> compatible .reminders files<br><br>I have made some corrections and
> org2rem is working better now but it is still lacking to add appts with
> timestamps (ie with no SCHEDULED: or DEADLINE: tags)<br> <br>If someone
> is also interested I cand send my version of org2rem<br><br>I hope this
> helps,<br><br>Daniel<br><br><div class="gmail_quote">2009/1/8 Ian Barton
> <span dir="ltr">&lt;<a
> href="mailto:li...@manor-farm.org";>li...@manor-farm.org</a>&gt;</
> <blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204,
> 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">As it&#39;s
> the start of a new year, I want to move my appointments from Google
> Calendar as the primary source to org. When my system in org is running
> smoothly I will export to Google Calendar on a regular basis.<br>
> <br>
> Searching back through the list there are quite a lot of snippets
> describing how people use org to keep appointments, but no overview. I
> would like to write a tutorial on how you can keep your appointments in
> org, so I thought that I would ask list members if they would post some
> details of their system.<br>
> <br>
> I am intending to keep my appointments in a dedicated org file (<a
> href="http://calendar.org"; target="_blank">calendar.org</a>). At the
> moment I am using a remember template which adds them with a tag of
> APPT. I the use a custom agenda view if I only want to see
> appointments.<br>
> <br>
> I am particularly interested in the best way to deal with repeating
> appointments. For example how do you deal with a weekly appointment that
> has a defined start and end date.<br> <br>
> Ian.<br>
> <br>
> <br>
> _______________________________________________<br> Emacs-orgmode
> mailing list<br>
> Remember: use `Reply All&#39; to send replies to the list.<br> <a
> href="mailto:Emacs-orgmode@gnu.org";
> target="_blank">Emacs-orgmode@gnu.org</a><br> <a
> href="http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode";
> target="_blank">http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode</
> </blockquote></div><br>
> _______________________________________________ Emacs-orgmode mailing
> list
> Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
> Emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
> http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode

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