On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 1:33 PM, Tyler Smith <ty...@plantarum.ca> wrote:

> Ken Mankoff <mank...@gmail.com> writes:
> >
> > In my version of this, I have each project as its own git repository,
> > where git contains the Org file, other code, the manuscript, etc. I
> > add any Org files to my global agenda with =M-x
> > org-agenda-file-to-front= and remove with = M-x org-remove-file=.
> >
> >>  most tutorials assume that all your planning files are found in one
> >>  directory (e.g., ~/org).
> >
> > That is only because it is easier to show that setup in the tutorial. You
> > can have Org files all over the place, and each can be added to the
> Agenda
> > or not, as you wish.
> Thanks Ken. Perhaps I've been trying to hard to force everything into
> one directory. I did find a post on Reddit that describes a convenient
> way to create org files for projects anywhere in the directory tree in a
> shared global location:
> https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/2qwh8q/org_mode_one_massive_file_or_tons_of_small_ones/cnacdpl
> This has the benefit of keeping all my planning (.org) files in one
> repo, but the disadvantage of separating the planning files from the
> project they relate to. Something your approach deals with nicely. I'll
> try that out.

Another option: I have a function that recursively searches a parent
directory (using the "find-lisp" library) for files that are named *.org. I
then add that function to org-agenda-mode-hook so that every time I open
and agenda view, it recalculates the org-agenda-files variable. On a local
filesystem (laptop, SSD) i don't notice a thing, slow-down wise. YMMV if
your Org files are on a network share.

> Best,
> Tyler
> --
> http://plantarum.ca

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