"Davis, Peter" <p...@pfdstudio.com> writes:

> I'm working on a moderately complex ruby-on-rails project now, and I'd
> love to be able to generate source maps. Specifically, I'd like to be
> able to generate dot files (and GraphViz diagrams) showing the file
> relationships: this controller goes with this view, etc.
> I was thinking of writing a script to walk the project tree and
> generate the dot code based on rails' file naming conventions, but
> then I thought I'd like to put all this into an org-mode document, and
> be able to click on the filenames to open the files.
> Has anyone tried anything like this? Or found anything similar?

Would a tool like 'doxygen' help here? I think it can do some of what
you're looking for. I don't know if anyone has linked doxygen to
org-mode and then published something about it.


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