Nick Dokos <> writes:

> "cschr" <> writes:
>> Hello
>> Im a software developer and new to emacs. I want to maintain my calendar 
>> appointments in
>> orgmode, and define individual alerts for each appointment (which also 
>> includes to have no
>> alert for some appointments). Using the emacs diary is not enough for me – I 
>> want orgmode!
>> I found out already how to export SCHEDULED and DEADLINE timestamps from 
>> orgmode to
>> iCalendar VEVENTs, but the VALARM TRIGGERs produced always have the same 
>> value (VALARM
>> TRIGGER is always “P0DT0H0M0S”). How can I define an individual alert for 
>> each appointment
>> in ORGMODE, and have the alert values exported as icalendar VALARM TRIGGERs? 
>> The :APPT_WARNTIME: property in orgmode seems to do nothing, nor does it 
>> seem to help if I
>> add a “WARNTIME …” text to the orgmode item – this seems to work for emacs 
>> diary entries
>> only.  
> There are various constraints on the item in order to get a VALARM: it
> has to be a TODO item, it has to have a timestamp with both date and
> time in it and the timestamp has to *follow* the properties drawer.
> I think this last one is a bug in ox-icalendar.el: when I add a
> SCHEDULED timestamp, it gets added right after the headline, pushing
> the properties drawer down, and ISTR that that is now the mandated order
> of org things, but that seems to break ox-icalendar.el's
> ability to find the timestamp.
> This was mostly trial-and-error (with just a look or two into the code),
> so it might be wrong.
> However, the following org file:
> * TODO foo
>   :END:
>   SCHEDULED: <2016-01-13 Wed 12:00>
>   something to do
> exports to a reasonable-looking ics file:
> ...
> whereas the "normal" position of the timestamp:
> * TODO foo
>   SCHEDULED: <2016-01-13 Wed 12:00>
>   :END:
>   something to do
> leads to a rather sorry-looking ics file:
> ...

The OP sent me a private reply, saying that he couldn't get it to work,
but he is using an old org version (whatever comes with emacs 24.3.1
IIRC, presumably pre-8.0).

I should have mentioned that I'm using fairly recent versions:

Org-mode version 8.3.3 (release_8.3.3-437-g4de71e)

on this machine and an even later one on the machine where I did the
above testing.


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