Gregor Zattler <> writes:

> Thanks for your explanation.  To me this is not a documentation
> bug.  What the documentation describes allows for a helpful
> distinction of notes in different contexts which IMHO should not
> be conflated: 
> I understand that to you all notes are created equal: They
> somehow belong to a node.
> I think the note taken when clocking out belongs specifically to
> its clock line and explains it.  Clocking is for reasons of
> measurement of time often in context of accounting.  Such notes
> answer to the question ""Why took it so long".  This is different
> to notes which are there to remember specific aspects of a tasks.
> This was default behaviour when users decided to be asked for a
> note taken after clocking out.
>      I for instance document my working hours this way and have
>      2072 such notes sitting below their corresponding clock
>      line.
>      I have the task of maintaining some complex spreadsheets for
>      the accounting department.  My employer want's to know how
>      much time I spend on this task.  So I clock this working
>      hours.  I want to be able to anser to the question why it
>      took so long.
>      OTHT there are notes regarding the work with these complex
>      spreadsheets, e.g. "conditional colouring of cells may lead
>      to performance problem when thousands of conditionally
>      coloured cells are in use".  This is a note which belongs to
>      the Spreadsheets and is not only true for the time interval
>      indicated by a clock line.
> It would be great when notes taken when clocking out would come
> next to their respective clock lines.

This is already possible: just make sure notes and clocks are stored at
the same location (e.g., set `org-log-into-drawer' to t in your ECM).
However, by default, they aren't.

I see no reason to force notes taken upon clocking out to be always
located next to the clock line, as long as you can get that behaviour
somehow. Thus, I think the documentation could be improved as it sort of
implies clock notes are always next to the closed clock.

IIUC, you are suggesting to implement two types of notes, but that never
was the case in Org, AFAICT. You could, however, use a hook (e.g.,
`org-clock-out-hook') in order to put data relative to clocks in
a specific drawer and keep general notes in LOGBOOK at the same time.



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